Most experts are expecting the 2018 housing market to look very similar to 2017, which was characterized by low inventory and high prices. However with the recent passage of the tax bill, some experts are anticipating prices won’t rise nearly as fast because of the new law. Others say it will help first-time home buyers… Read More ›

For the 5th consecutive year, Oregon ranks in the top 3 most popular states for relocation, finishing second in 2017. Our beautiful state held first place from 2013-2015 before falling to third in 2016. The Mountain and Pacific West regions continue to be a big draw, as Idaho fills the 3rd spot and Washington comes… Read More ›

It’s no secret that the real estate market tends to slow during the winter. The holidays are busy, families are traveling, and poor weather makes viewing homes an unpleasant experience. However, a slow market is not always a bad thing. Just this month we have seen many of our own listings go pending that had… Read More ›

Home prices in Oregon are still climbing, although not quite at the rate they have been. The following article from Oregon Business Magazine gives a great description of the current market and how things look going forward. You can see the full article here. Housing prices continue to rise, but slowly According to the Federal… Read More ›

Has researching the value of your home left you scratching your head? In The Laue Team’s most recent Wilsonville Spokesman article, Principal Broker Rick Brainard shares the risks of relying on online sources like Zillow’s “Zestimate” to calculate the true value of your home: With its introduction in 2006, Zillow changed the way the public… Read More ›

We have seen a double digit growth in Portland housing market in 2015 and 2016. In 2015, the home value here has increased about 17% and so far in 2016, it has increased nearly 13% since January according to Zillow. Many potential home buyers and sellers wonder what the real estate market will look like… Read More ›

When “CBS This Morning” co-host Norah O’Donnell asked the chief executive of Zillow recently about the accuracy of the website’s automated property value estimates — known as Zestimates — she touched on one of the most sensitive perception gaps in American real estate. Zillow is the most popular online real estate information site, with 73… Read More ›

Just before the holidays hit the calendar, the Federal Reserve increased the bank’s prime funding rate. In its first move since 2006, it didn’t affect the majority of home loan or mortgage rates—most residential first mortgages held or even lowered due to the earlier predictions of investors. Most investors thought the Fed was going to increase the rate… Read More ›